2024 Open Ranker
Venue and Dates as per SQEBF Calendar.
Full SQEBF Dress Code applies *
SQEBF Eligibility Criteria applies *
Entry Fee $150.00
Closing Date for Entries is 7 days before the event at 5pm.
* Dress code and eligibility criteria are detailed in the SQEBF By-laws.
This is your chance to represent Queensland at the National Championships!
The top players from this one weekend make their way straight into the Queensland State Team Playoff!
The entry fee of $150 is a one-off Ranker payment, and this will include entry into the Queensland State Team Playoff for qualifying players.
What to expectÂ
9:00 AM Start
Format and number of days will depend on numbers.
Top players progress to Queensland State Trial
Number of players depend on QEBF allocation.
1st place also gets a spot in the Queensland Singles